In accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection and Defense Code this establishment has a Complaints Book. Register the complaint or claim here.

    Corporate Name: OC FORWARDING S.A.C.
    Taxpayer Identification: 20603453892
    Fiscal Address: Av. Miguel Grau 1350 Oficina 517, Barranco, Lima - Perú.

    1. Identification of the Consumer Claimant *

    If you are a minor, please enter the data of your father, mother or representative.

    2. Identification of the Contracted Good *



    3. Detail of Claims and Consumer Order *

    4. Observations and actions taken by the supplier *


      File not chosen.
    CLAIM: Disagreement related to products or services.
    COMPLAINT: Disagreement not related to the products or services; or discomfort or dissatisfaction regarding the attention to the public.

    (*) All fields are required.

    - The formulation of the claim does not prevent to recourse to other means of dispute resolution nor is it a prerequisite for filing a complaint with INDECOPI.
    - The supplier must respond to the claim within a period not exceeding thirty (30) calendar days, being able to extend the term by up to thirty (30) more days, prior to communicating with the consumer.
    - You can print this sheet by pressing Ctrl + P.